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Operatorius: Jon Harald Søby
Programa: Pywikipedia
Turi boto statusą: (Y/N): Global bot, operates in 240+ wikis
Funkcijos aprašymas: Interwiki
[redaguoti vikitekstą]Please consider adopting the Global bot policy; it is very annoying to have to go through lots and lots of wikis to do this request, and for a simple thing such as interwiki with pywikipedia, it shouldn't be necessary. Thanks, Jon Harald Søby 14:35, 8 spalio 2011 (EEST)
- Since all the bots are basically doing the same I would rather consider making a global bot instead of hundreds of small bots, which requires somebody elses attention.--Dirgela 20:41, 27 spalio 2011 (EEST)