Pereiti prie turinio

Bohdan Bondar naudotojo indėlis

Ieškoti indėlyjeIšplėstiSutraukti

10 sausio 2019

9 sausio 2019

  • 12:0712:07, 9 sausio 2019 skirt ist +23 S ČernobylisI added the real name Estonians must know that they use the wrong names written in Moscow
  • 12:0012:00, 9 sausio 2019 skirt ist +378 N Aptarimas:ČernobylisNaujas puslapis: Černobylis This is not a real and outdated name. This name was correct in the period of the Russian-Soviet occupation of Ukraine. Now the occupation is over so you need to use t...

22 lapkričio 2018

27 rugpjūčio 2018