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Aptarimas:Seksualinės prievartos atvejai Romos katalikų bažnyčioje

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"daugelis Romos katalikų bažnyčios dvasininkų yra homoseksualūs asmenys" - jau čia tai niekaip neįrodomas šmeižtas

What they told me was unsayable for a long time. It would have been difficult to publish a book like this twenty or even only ten years ago. For a long time, the ways of the Lord remained, if I may say so, impenetrable. They are less so today because the resignation of Benedict XVI and Pope Francis's desire for reform have freed people's tongues. Social networks, more courage on the part of the press, and countless ecclesiastical sex scandals have made it possible, and necessary, to reveal this secret today. So this book criticizes not the Church overall, but a very particular 'genre' within the gay community; it tells the story of the majority of those in the College of Cardinals and the Vatican. [1]

Lastly – alas! – homosexuality is also one of the keys that explain the institutionalized cover-up of sexual crimes and misdemeanours, of which there are now tens of thousands. Why? How? Because the 'culture of secrecy', which was necessary to maintain silence about the huge presence of homosexuality inside the Church, has made it possible to hide sexual abuse, and for predators to benefit from this system of protection within the institution – even though paedophilia is not the subject of this book.

Galima ir pašalinti, bet knyga tapo bestseleriu, laikoma autoritetinga ir pagrindžią tą faktą, kad daugelis išnaudojimo atvejų buvo susiję su berniukais. O be to, toje knygoje lyg ir apklausti aukščiausio rango Vatikano dvasininkai.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 13:48, 16 lapkričio 2023 (EET)[atsakyti]

Nu tai nereikia maišyti Vatikano kardinolų ir visų katalikų dvasininkų nuo Filipinų iki Peru. Be to, vis tiek čia nėra kokie teismo sprendimų duomenys, tad kažkieno pasvarstymus, kaip gali būti, nereikėtų teikti už faktą. Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 15:03, 16 lapkričio 2023 (EET)[atsakyti]