Aptarimas:Nebraskos žmogus
But Osborn was not alone in his error, particularly in dealing with the Order Primates, the group that includes monkeys, apes, and men. As Simpson (1945, p. 181) aptly put it: The importance of distinctions within the group [Primates] has . . . been so exaggerated that almost every color phase, aberrant individual, or scrap of fossil bone or tooth has been given a separate name, almost every really distinct species has been called a genus, and a large proportion of the genera have been called families. The peculiar fascination of the primates and their publicity value have almost taken the order out of the hands of sober and conservative mammalogists and have kept, and do keep, its taxonomy in a turmoil. Moreover, even mammalogists who might be entirely conservative in dealing, say, with rats are likely to lose a sense of perspective when they come to the primates, and many studies of this order are covertly or overtly emotional. [1]
Istorijos moralas. Lyg ir neblogas šaltinis, tik kad jau labai stengias paneigti kreacionistų idėjas.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 20:56, 16 kovo 2021 (EET)