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Naudotojo aptarimas:Vpovilaitis

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Straipsnio aptarimas iš Vikipedijos, laisvosios enciklopedijos.
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Retrait du groupe bot pour VP-bot / Bot flag removal for VP-bot

[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Bonjour Vpovilaitis,

J’ai constaté que ton bot VP-bot n’a pas fait de modification sur FR:Wikipédia depuis de nombreux mois et j'ai proposé de le retirer du groupe bot. Si tu souhaites commenter cette décision, merci de te rendre ici. Sans réponse de ta part le flag devrait être retiré onne continuation. Bub's (aptarimas) 20:03, 2 gruodžio 2013 (EET)[atsakyti]

Hi Vpovilaitis,

I noted that your bot VP-bot hasn’t altered FR:Wikipédia for months and I have suggested to remove it’s bot flag. I you whish to comment on that proposal, please go there to do so (you can write in English). By default the flag should be removed in a month. Thank you for your bot's contribution to the French Wikipédia.

Best regards, Bub's (aptarimas) 20:03, 2 gruodžio 2013 (EET)[atsakyti]

Bot flag removed. Litlok (aptarimas) 18:04, 1 sausio 2014 (EET)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Dear translators,

I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate.

Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary.

Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts!

Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMF

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:58, 2 gruodžio 2013 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Dear translators,

I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate.

Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary.

Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts!

Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMF

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:01, 3 gruodžio 2013 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 04:35, 12 gruodžio 2013 (EET)

Translation notification: Privacy policy

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Privacy policy is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new privacy policy is ending on January 15. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be

close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.

The main text of the privacy policy is contained in the following pages, please click "Translate" on each of them:

Privacy policy / Summary / What the policy doesn't cover / Definitions

Please also consider translating the FAQ and other supplementary material, which can be found (along with the main text) here:


Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:44, 8 sausio 2014 (EET)

Naujo straipsnio koregavimas pagal Vikipedijos standartus

[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Sveiki, Vpovilaiti,

įkėliau naują straipsnį į Vikipediją, bet grasina išmesti dėl to, kad nėra suredaguotas pagal Vikipedijos standartus. Ar galėtumėte peržiūrėti šį str. ir konkrečiau pasakyti, ko trūksta, ką papildyti ir kaip jį išlaikyti Vikipedijoje?

Dėkoju iš anksto!

Sveikas Vpovilaitis,

aš esu InfoSA narys, ir mes bandome sukurti InfoShow straipsnį. Tai yra savitę trunkantis renginys, kuris jau vyksta 13 metų. Tačiau mums botas (Homobot) nuolat trina mūsų puslapį, dėl to, kad mes, nors ir keistai skamba, neturim autoriterines teises į mūsų paties puslapį (Autorystės teisių pažeidimas: Taigi, mes pagarbiai prašom, kad nustotumėte trinti mūsų straipsnį.


Vikipedija yra kuriama anoniminių naudotojų ir ją administruoja anoniminiai administratoriai. Todėl jie neturi jokių galimybių patikrinti ar jus turite teisę skelbti tai kas parašyta Jūsų nurodytame tinklaraštyje. Kodėl jus tą informaciją norite skelbti Vikipedijoje, kurioje bet kuris kitas anoniminis naudotojas tą informaciją gali perrašyti arba net ištrinti. Ar ne paprasčiau būtų surasti alternatyva, pvz. (Enciklopedija Lietuvai ir pasauliui). Joje prisiregistrave ne anoniminiu naudotoju tokią istorinę informaciją galėtumėte skelbti. Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 20:23, 6 vasario 2014 (EET)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Data retention guidelines

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Data retention guidelines is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new data retention guidelines is ending on February 14. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.

Please click "Translate" on both of these pages:

Introduction explaining the discussion phase / Main text of the guidelines

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:19, 10 vasario 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

This is the second in a series of blogs posts by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, explaining the work of the Board Governance Committee. It is planned to be published at on Friday, February 28.

Translations are also still welcome for the first post in the series, titled "Introduction to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees", where Vice Chair Phoebe Ayers explains the Board, its mandate, and its work within the community. It will hopefully remain a useful reference for a long time to come. It can be translated at [2].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:35, 26 vasario 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Staff summary/Progress report form/Q2

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Staff summary/Progress report form/Q2 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

This report is written by FDC Staff and is intended for the FDC, FDC grantees, and the larger movement. It includes a summary table of financial information from this past quarter, and summaries of each entity’s progress report in this past quarter.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:41, 12 kovo 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed is available for translation. You can translate it here:

This is the text of a just published blog post summarizing the actions taken to protect users of Wikimedia sites against the recently discovered "Heartbleed" security vulnerability. (The post explains that users will need to re-login the next time they use their accounts and suggests to change passwords as a standard precautionary measure, but it is currently not intended to enforce a password change for all users.) Completed translations will be added to the blog post.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:21, 10 balandžio 2014 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2014

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from the month of March. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps.

Help is also still welcoming in translating the previous issue of the Wikimedia Highlights which was published last week, at [3].

If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [4]. You can manage your subscription at [5].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:07, 1 gegužės 2014 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 11:50, 26 gegužės 2014 (EEST)

Naudotojo:Squareshadow paveikslelius į Commons (Vikiteką)

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Šio naudotojo (Naudotojas:Squareshadow) daugybė paveikslų yra įkelta tik į lietuvišką vikipediją - o tai reiškia, kad jie yra neprieinami panaudoti kitų kalbų vikipedijose. Be to, kad ir nebūtų fiziškai panaudojami, bet būna beveik visada nuoroda į kokią tai tinkamą Commonsų kategoriją ir tokiu būdu trūks tų paveiklų palyginimui, kitokiai informacijai. Kadangi man asmeniškai niekaip nepavyksta perkelinėti paveikslų į vikiteką (anksčiau pavyko kelis vienetus), turiu prašyti kitus žmonęs. Bet šį kartą tie, kurie anksčiau mielai padėdavo, dėl įvairių priežasčių atsisakė. Gal galėtumet kaip nors padėti: ar pats perkelti, ar juos įkalbėti, ar kitiems pasiūlyti. Žr. taip pat: Naudotojo aptarimas:Hugo.arg#Olando kepures krastovaizdis (4).JPG į Vikiteką, Naudotojo aptarimas:Vilensija#Olando kepures krastovaizdis (4).JPG į Vikiteką. Labai atsiprašau už trukdymą. --Kusurija (aptarimas) 11:44, 28 gegužės 2014 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-06-20.

Please help us translate our Thank You email that is sent to our donors on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's new executive director Lila Tretikov. We would highly appreciate your help on this in order to make sure the letter is available for our donors to read in their native language.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:56, 6 birželio 2014 (EEST)

Hello, This is Jatomek from Poland. I have written on Polish and English versions of Cimoszka: "The village is the birthplace of Polish mathematician Józef Marcinkiewicz." I wonder if I could ask you to do it on Lithuanian version? --Jatomek (aptarimas) 09:15, 26 birželio 2014 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from May. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:39, 1 liepos 2014 (EEST)

Translation notification: Mailing lists/List info

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Mailing lists/List info is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

We are re-designing our mailing list information pages and we would very much appreciate if you could please translate a few short phrases so that non-English speakers are able to easily sign up to our Mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:09, 19 rugpjūčio 2014 (EEST)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/RenameUser announcement

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/RenameUser announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-09-08.

Translators, I (Keegan) am sending a message on behalf of Stewards and WMF engineering to inform communities about local renaming being turned off in the middle of September as usernames start moving global. Please translate this message so I can deliver it in a proper, localized form.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:59, 3 rugsėjo 2014 (EEST)

Translation notification: File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

There is a new initiative to clean up file information pages across Wikimedia wikis. In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help to translate a few pages. In addition to the one linked above, there are two short pages: We have done our best to prepare the pages to minimize the work for translators, and if you notice anything else we could do to make translation easier, please do let us know. Guillaume is also happy to answer any questions you might have while translating the documents.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:28, 20 spalio 2014 (EEST)

Translation notification: Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Global AbuseFilters were recently enabled on many Wikimedia projects. As we'd like to notify the affected wikis about it, we've created a page for announcing this: Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement. We'd like to make the announcement accessible to as many users as possible and therefore would like to ask for your help in translating the announcement.

In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help in translating the following mass message which will be sent to the affected wikis as well:

The message will be sent in about three days time from now (on 13 November) so if you are planning on translating the message, please make sure that Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement (condensed) is translated before the deadline.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:12, 10 lapkričio 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014/ED Response

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014/ED Response is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is low.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:05, 20 lapkričio 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, October 2014

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, October 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from October. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:55, 2 gruodžio 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:PEG/About the Project and Event Grants Program

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:PEG/About the Project and Event Grants Program is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-12-31.

We are starting to mark all the revised Project & Event Grant pages for translation (in order of priority). Many thanks to all you translators for supporting with this effort!

Please leave questions about the page on the discussion page or post questions directly to user:AWang (WMF)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:58, 10 gruodžio 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2014/Notice to communities

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2014/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:10, 22 gruodžio 2014 (EET)

Translation notification: Stewards/Elections 2015

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Stewards/Elections 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

I apologize for the delay, but the 2015 Steward election banners are now available for translation. They consist of two banners with a few short phrases: If you have any questions or require any assistance, feel free to ask on Talk:Stewards/Elections 2015 or drop by #wikimedia-stewards-electionsconnect channel on the freenode IRC network.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:35, 11 sausio 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014

[redaguoti vikitekstą]
Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:58, 1 vasario 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2015

[redaguoti vikitekstą]
Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, January 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from January, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:32, 28 vasario 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: User:Keegan (WMF)/Quicktranslate

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page User:Keegan (WMF)/Quicktranslate is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-03-19.

Hello, A very important sentence to the message that is being sent to users that may be renamed due to single-user login finalization has been added. Please take a moment to translate this one sentence, it's very important.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences here.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 04:21, 19 kovo 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-03-31.

During the messaging to 2.8 million accounts begin affected by SUL finalization, about 10,000 accounts across the wikis, mainly Commons, were incorrectly notified about their account needing to be renamed. This message is for those accounts, and it needs to be delivered as soon as possible.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences here.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:16, 28 kovo 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-04-12.

This is a short message for accounts that will be renamed next week as part of single-user login finalisation.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences here.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:35, 8 balandžio 2015 (EEST)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-04-16.

Please check new and updated paragraphs, in particular make sure that the correct daye for the finalisation (15th April 2015 and following days) is mentioned, as in English source.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences here.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:24, 15 balandžio 2015 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2015

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from March, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:03, 4 gegužės 2015 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April 2015, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:58, 14 gegužės 2015 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2015

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from May, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:11, 11 birželio 2015 (EEST)

Your bot on English Wikipedia

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A proposal to de-authorize a group of idle interwiki bots on the English Wikipedia is currently in process. A bot account of yours has been included in the list. If you are no longer using this bot, no action is neccessary by you. Should you wish to revive your bot in the near future, please remove your bot from the list here: en:Wikipedia:Bot_owners'_noticeboard#Interwiki_Bot_that_are_inactive. Thank you for your contributions. For the en: Bot Approvals Group, Magioladitis (aptarimas) 16:31, 21 liepos 2015 (EEST)[atsakyti]

UNused images

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Hello, I see you uploaded some unfree images which are now unused: User:Nemo_bis/Unused files. If they're unneeded, can you mark them for deletion please? Nemo bis (aptarimas) 01:23, 4 spalio 2015 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Klonų tyrimas

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Norėtųsi Jus informuoti apie Vikipedija:Įtarimų klonų naudojimu tyrimai#Blobline ir Vpovilaitis. --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 16:28, 31 spalio 2015 (EET)[atsakyti]

Ačiū Martynai už informaciją. Kadangi mažai besidomiu Vikipedija tai tavo tušti neargumentuoti išvedžiojimai visai man nebeįdomūs. Kitą kartą apie tokius savo pasvaičiojimus gali manęs ir neinformuoti. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 18:29, 10 lapkričio 2015 (EET)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, October 2015

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, October 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from October, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:32, 13 lapkričio 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikipedia 15/Knowledge is joy

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikipedia 15/Knowledge is joy is available for translation. You can translate it here:

For Wikipedia 15, we'd like these three words translated into as many languages as possible!! Thank you all!!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:35, 20 lapkričio 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Future IdeaLab Campaigns/Notification

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Future IdeaLab Campaigns/Notification is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-12-15.

Hi translators! I'm seeking your help with this short notification intended for village pumps and other community notification boards to help us figure out what IdeaLab campaigns to run in the future. The message invites participants to meta to discuss campaign topics and participate in the survey, but participants should also feel welcome to discuss their ideas on their local Wikimedia project where this notification will be posted, where I'll be monitoring it. Thanks so much for your help, and please ping me on my talk page if you have any questions or concerns.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:07, 7 gruodžio 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-01-05.

Hey translators, please see review and translate what you are able for this important consultation regarding Wikimania. Because part of the consultation is aimed at fundamentally changing how Wikimania is planned (even considering the possibility of making multiple events regional throughout the year rather than one global event), it's important that folks understand the options on the table. I've tried to prioritize only the most important parts of the consultation for translation, but if you want to translate more, please feel free to add translation tags and get in touch with me if you need me to reconfirm the page for translation. Please also see the discussion page, as we are requesting translations of the small number of survey questions. With thanks, User:I JethroBT (WMF).

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:05, 15 gruodžio 2015 (EET)

Translation notification: Template:StrategyButton2016/editintro/Communities

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Template:StrategyButton2016/editintro/Communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-01-18.

- This is the part of a series of community consultation pages. The WMF Community Advocacy team has put together a list at We're hoping to launch the consultation on January 18th. Realizing getting all translations in place before the launch of the consultation may not be possible (and that people will likely help with translations after the launch), I'd be really grateful for any assistance especially that you can give in translating the templates at that Meta page link, like this one. It'll probably be harder for casual translators to help out with those!

- Text should be stable at this point. I've just made what I hope will be the last modification to those pages!

- Thank you for all you do, and I hope you will not only assist in translation (if you are able) but also take part in the consultation. Your input will be very welcome.

- Questions or concerns? Please let me know at Thanks! Maggie

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 04:06, 12 sausio 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:51, 26 sausio 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania/Outcomes

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania/Outcomes is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-02-09.

Hi translators, this is Jethro. The page here describes the outcomes of a recent consultation on Wikimania and movement conferences, for which the WMF will be publicizing on 8 Feburary. There are many very important changes coming for Wikimania beginning in 2018, and it's important that contributors from as many language backgrounds as possible are aware of them. In my judgment, it will be most important to translate the sections labeled "Summary," and "Next steps" be prioritized, but any translation you can provide for the more specific details on the page will be appreciated. Please contact me if you have any questions about the translation material. With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 23:24, 5 vasario 2016 (EET)[atsakyti]

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:24, 5 vasario 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2016

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, January 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from January, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:47, 22 vasario 2016 (EET)

Kovrilo de la magazino Monato

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Saluton, kaj pardonu min ke mi uzu la lingvon internacian, ĉar mi ne scipovas vian lingvon! Mi alŝutis kovrilon de la magazino Monato, sendita retmesaĝe al mi de Paŭl Peeraerts, ĉar Vikipedija rajtas uzon de tia aŭtorrajta bildo per “Fair Use”. Ĉu vi povus dediĉi ĉ. 1 minuton de via tempo kontroli la informojn en la bilda paĝo? Multan dankon al vi! — Aleks Andre (aptarimas) 08:14, 24 vasario 2016 (EET)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/Translation

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/Translation is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-03-14.

Hey translators! This page is actually a hub for several pages related to the current Inspire Campaign, an event associated with IdeaLab to invite editors to propose ideas along a specific theme. Because we ran a campaign last year, and some materials are being reused, some pages may not require much translation. Some pages, however, are completely new for this campaign. In terms of what pages are most important, the main landing page (Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire) and the FAQ page (Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/FAQ should be prioritized if possible. Please let me know if you have any questions on the discussion page for the translation hub. Thank you so much, and I am very grateful for any time you can give. -- I JethroBT (WMF) (talk)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 11:10, 28 vasario 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/CentralNotice

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/CentralNotice is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-03-13.

Hey translators. This is a brief message (three sentences) intended for a central notice banner that will be very publicly displayed across Wikimedia projects related to the Inspire campaign. Any help translating it would be most appreciated. Thanks! I JethroBT (WMF)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:45, 10 kovo 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, February 2016

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, February 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from February, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:20, 18 kovo 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Tech/Server switch 2016

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Tech/Server switch 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-04-07.

Please help translate this message about planned maintenance for the servers. Editors and other contributors will not be able to save their changes or upload images for about 30 minutes on both Tuesday, 19 April and Thursday, 21 April. This will affect ALL the WMF wikis, not just Wikipedia. I will send this message to hundreds of wikis before this event, and I hope that your languages will be included.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 20:34, 23 kovo 2016 (EET)

Translation notification: Interface editors

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Interface editors is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:46, 29 kovo 2016 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from March, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:21, 13 balandžio 2016 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:45, 17 gegužės 2016 (EEST)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/CentralNotice

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/CentralNotice is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-06-12.

Hi translators, this is a Central Notice inviting idea creators and reviewers to participate in the Inspire Campaign. Our theme for this campaign is on addressing harassment, and it is important we be able to reach as many communities as possible, as this is a general issue affecting contributors in many projects. I would also appreciate your help translating some of the other page content related to the campaign, which I've organized here: In particular, the FAQ, main page, and Mass message should take priority. Please contact me on my talk page if you have any questions or comments. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication. I JethroBT (WMF) (talk)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:06, 30 gegužės 2016 (EEST)

Dėl iliustracijų

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Sveiki! Kuriu straipsnį, ir man labai reikalinga tokia iliustracijaBaltų hidronimai. Gal mokėtumėte ją paversti HTML kalba, kad galėčiau ją įkelti, arba galbūt žinote kaip galėčiau gauti Vikipedijos straipsniui panašią, atspindinčią priešistorinių laikų baltų paplitimo arealą? Būčiau labai Jums dėkingas. --Ed1974LT (aptarimas) 22:14, 3 birželio 2016 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Grants:Project/2016 R1 MassMessage

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Grants:Project/2016 R1 MassMessage is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-07-12.

Hi translators, this is a short mass message for a new grant program offered by the Wikimedia Foundation called Project Grants. There is currently an open call for applications this month, and we want to encourage people to apply if they have an idea for improving Wikimedia projects that needs funding. Translations for a mass message for the now-deprecated Individual Engagement Grants may have some similar translated content if needed for reference: [6]. Thanks very much for your help with translating! I JethroBT (WMF)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:02, 5 liepos 2016 (EEST)

Translation notification: Right to vanish

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Right to vanish is available for translation. You can translate it here:

We have migrated the above mentioned page to the new translation system. The source and translated text differ and it would be good if you could update the translation in your language to the new source text.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:57, 3 rugpjūčio 2016 (EEST)

Translation notification: Template:Usurpation requested

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Template:Usurpation requested is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:27, 6 rugsėjo 2016 (EEST)

Translation notification: Template:Usurpation requested

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Template:Usurpation requested is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:29, 6 rugsėjo 2016 (EEST)

Švenčionėlių Švč. Mergelės Marijos Sopulingosios bažnyčia.

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   Gerb. V. Povilaiti, aš į Vikipediją įkėliau naują temą "Švenčionėlių Švč. Mergelės Marijos Sopulingosios Bažnyčia", tiksliau pakeičiau jos turinį. Esu naujokė ir daug ko nemoku, o gal jau ir ne man tai išmokti. Aš matau visas klaidas, bet nemoku valdyti kompiuterio taip, kad gebėčiau tai ištaisyti. Todėl kreipiuosi į jus suprašymu padėti man tai padaryti. O taisyti reikėtų:
 Antraštės pavadinimą. Ten parašyta- Švenčionėlių Šv. Edvardo bažnyčia, o turėtų būti Švenčionėlių Švč. Mergelės Marijos Sopulingosios bažnyčia.
 Dešinėje pusėje , kur nurodyta Švenčionėlių Šv. Edvardo bažnyčia irgi reikia keisti į Švenčionėlių Švč. Mergelės Marijos Sopulingosios bažnyčia.
 O taip pat ir virš pateikiamų nuotraukų.
 Pateikiamame tekste reikėtų mėlynai paryškinti bažnyčioje tarnavusius dvasininkus (išskyrus žemai pateiktą dvasininkų sąrašą).
 O taip pat visa kita, kas neatitinka standartų.
 Nuotrauka ten buvo, bet kažkodėl buvo pašalinta. Ji tiko. Esmė ta, kad neteisingai įvardintas bažnyčios globėjo titulas. Teisingai yra taip: Švenčionėlių Šv. Edvardo parapija, Švenčionėlių Švč. Mergelės Marijos Sopulingosios bažnyčia.
 Nuoširdus ačiū,                      Ramunė Čebručenko (

Translation notification: Admin activity review/Notice to inactive right holders

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių on Meta. The page Admin activity review/Notice to inactive right holders is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:07, 28 vasario 2017 (EET)

Translation notification: Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Toolkit/Discussion Coordinator Role

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Toolkit/Discussion Coordinator Role is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:33, 10 kovo 2017 (EET)

Translation notification: Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Process/Briefing

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Process/Briefing is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:19, 11 kovo 2017 (EET)

Translation notification: Bassel Khartabil

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Bassel Khartabil is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The page has been renamed and updated and many parts of the former translations are now outdated.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:35, 11 rugpjūčio 2017 (EEST)

Kada nusibos judint iš mirties taško?

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Kada nusibos Jums judint iš mirties taško? lt viki kopija lt viki--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 18:42, 11 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Na jei jau iškeltas toks klausimas, tai galiu paklausti to paties. Kada Jums nusibos krutinti lt.wikipedia iš sąstingio taško. Lietuviškosios Vikipedijos istorijoje esantis grafikas aiškiai parodo, kad 2012 m. lt.wikipedia kažkas nutiko. Pakeliui noriu užduoti retorinį klausimą: kas tuomet jai nutiko? Ar situacija šiuo metu jau pasikeitė ar įvyko atsigavimas po 2012 m. Bandote pateikti hit palyginimą pagal hit skaičiuokles. Tačiau Enciklopedija Lietuvai ir pasauliui (ELIP) nesivaiko anoniminių vartotojų hit'ų, o didina savo kaip enciklopedijos straipsnių aibę ir jų kokybę. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 19:16, 12 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Gal nebekrutinkit Jūs jo, neduokdie su savo automatiškai generuojamu šlamštu, kad nesugalvotų čia vėl pasirodyti.--Dirgela (aptarimas) 19:23, 12 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Ačiū. Už atsakymą bent į vieną klausimą. Supratau, kad beveik niekas nepasikeitė. Taip pat pastebėjau, kad toliau kovojantis su anonimų kuriamu šlamštu ir vandalizmu. To tikrai nebenoriu. Tiesa Dirgėla noriu pagirti už gana pažangią Vikipedijos kūrimo technologija. Atsisakyta rašymo pieštuku ant kortelių, Tačiau ji jau senstanti. Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 20:34, 12 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Tiksliai nežinau, tik galima daryti prielaidą, jog daugelis perėjo prie kitų socialinės žiniasklaidos priemonių bei prie išmaniųjų telefonų, planšečių, kurie netinkami taisyti str. O ar lankomumas pasikeitė nežinau, tik % 50 srauto sukuria mobilieji įrenginiai, neskaitant laptopų.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 20:45, 12 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Perėjimu nuo Vikipedijos prie kitų socialinės žiniasklaidos priemonių vargu ar būtų galima pagrįsti Vikipedijos straipsnių kiekio augimo tempo sulėtėjimą ir sugrįžimą į 2003-2006 metų augimo tempą. 2012 m. aktyviausi Vikipedijos straipsnių kūrėjai: CD, Vpovilaitis, Lazdynas, Algirdas pasitraukė iš Vikipedijos aktyvaus kūrimo ir pradėjo kurti Enciklopediją Lietuvai ir pasauliui, Futbolas Lietuvai ir pasauliui, Lietuvių enciklopedija ir nuo 2016 m. papildomai Knyga Lietuvai ir pasauliui. Šiems straipsnių kūrėjams pasitraukus sumažėjo ir kitų naudotojų aktyvumas. Ar netai yra priežastis Vikipedijos straipsnių kiekio augimo tempo sulėtėjimui. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 16:36, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Dabar pastarųjų veikliausiųjų vartotojų indėlį reiktų iškuopti, ką Dirgela dabar ir daro karts nuo karto. Tai mes jau matom prie ko tai veda. 20 mln. str. ir tai neriba. Turbūt jūs ir rašot botams, kurie dirbtinai didina psl. srautus, kad padidintų reklamos pajamas atitinkamuose psl. Jūsų veikla primena en:Lsjbot--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 19:59, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Man atrodo, kad vienintelė priežastis kodėl tas projektas išvis dar laikomas nemerdinčiu, tai yra vikipedijos turinys. O tas botų kuriamas šiukšlynėlis palieka nekokį įspūdį eiliniams skaitytojams, nebent jie neišprusę ir nemato, kad čia tas pats lt viki turinys ir didelis sąšlavynas užkrautas ant viršaus. Vieną dieną vis tiek paskęsit savo kuriamose šiukšlėse.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 20:19, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Neslėpsiu, ir aš praeityje buvau daugiau brukalo skleidėjas (CEO), bet dabar, man atrodo, kad man pavyko atsikratyti to noro kurti str. vardan str. kiekio. Auginti lt viki str. kiekį ir be jokio gailesčio teršti enciklopediją. To ir jums linkėčiau, kol nenutrūko finansavimas.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 20:31, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Gyvenam nebe tuose laikuose, kai šiukšlės virsdavo trąšomis. greit pranoks Didžiąją Ramiojo vandenyno šiukšlių salą (en:Great Pacific garbage patch).--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 20:40, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Vikipedija puikiai atskleidžia žmonijos silpnaprotystės padarinius. Kaip, kad žmonės mėgsta be reikalo mąstyti ir nesugeba gyvenime patylėti, nušvisti akimirkai, taip ir veikla neretai jų būna bergždžia. Įdomu ką Jūs apie tai pagalvosit senatvėje. Siūlau pasigilinti į zen budizmą ar Eckhart Tolle knygas.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 21:05, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Taip pat siūlau daugiau laiko praleisti gamtoje ir suvokti kokia beprasmiška ta botų ir neretai žmonių kuriama rašliava yra. Taip pat reiktų suvokti, kad tiek vikipedija, tiek internetas, tiek pati žmonijos civilizacija gali žlugti, kaip kad ir viskas gyvenime turi pradžią ir pabaigą, o gamta bent jau primityviu pavidalu vis vien išliks, kol žemė nevirs į kosmines dulkes.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 21:25, 13 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Štai tuo mes ir skiriamės. Iš C.C. v C.C. pasisakymų galėjau suprasti, kad jūs nevertinate nei kitų darbo ar indėlio nei savo, tuo tarpu ELIP kūrėjai kiekvienas vertina ne tik savo indėlį bet ir kitų. Jums ką kiti sukūrė yra "šiukšlės", o mes susirinkome viską kas buvo Vikipedijoje sukurta, kad tai nedingtų po jūsų organizuoto "šiukšlių" išvalymo. Be ja mano minėti Vikipedijos vartotojai, kurie perėjo į Enciklopediją Lietuvai ir pasauliui iki 2012 m, Vikipedijoje buvo sukūrę apie 65 000 straipsnių, kas tuo metu sudarė apie 45% visų straipsnių. ir dabar dar sudaro apie 35% Vikipedijos straipsnių. Taigi Vikipedijoje visas tas Jūsų laikomas "šiukšles" arba 35% Vikipedijos turinio galite ramia sąžine išvalyti, nes jie yra saugomi ir tobulinami kaip realių žmonių, o ne anonimų įdėtas darbas. Visa tai yra suprantama, nes visi Vikipedijoje dirba anonimiškai, todėl visi yra laikomi tik brukalo skleidėjas. Tuo tarpu Enciklopedija Lietuvai ir pasauliui kuria ir redaguoja konkretūs žmonės, kurie siekia bendro tikslo sukurti Enciklopediją ir joje patalpintą informaciją pateikti skaitytojams. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 15:22, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
C.C. v C.C. užsiminei apie kažkokį finansavimą, tai leidžia manyti, kad kažkokį finansavimą gauni už veiklą Vikipedijoje. Jei tai buvo klausimas ar Enciklopedijos Lietuvai ir pasauliui leidėjai gauna kokį nors finansavimą, tai galiu atsakyti, kad jokio finansavimo nei vienas Enciklopedijos Lietuvai ir pasauliui leidėjas iki šiol negavo, tai yra nebuvo gautas nei vienas centas, todėl mums visai negresia, kad kažkoks finansavimas nutrūks. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 15:22, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Bet kaip tada galima paaiškinti protu nesuvokiamą 100 kart didesnę ELIP už lt viki? Jūs ten penkiese daugiau nudirbat nei en wiki bendruomenė? Šiaip tai ten reikalinga priežiūra, susikūrėt savo taisykles ir kas ką nori tas tą kelia, bet ir tai protu nepaaiškinama kaip gali iš niekur atsirasti 19 mln. str.? Tik botas gali tiek prikurti. Jeigu atvirai, tai Google jūsų projekto neišmeta, reiškiasi, kad pas jus nėra originalaus turinio arba žmonės juo labai nepatenkinti ir tik apsilankę mauna iš jūsų svetainės nieko nepešią, o Google už tai ir baudžia, todėl ir sakau jei jau nesvarbūs srautai, tuomet apskritai kam tada vargti dėl str. skč. viršuje?--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 17:10, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Kol kas statistika rodo jūsų labui, bet ir srautai lt viki 100 kart didesni nei jūsų. O wiki toks turinys, kad žmonės neretai ieško vienintelio rūpimo klausimo atsakymo, be to, stipriai remiamas Google, o Google šiais laikais prilyginamas Dievui – Žino beveik visus atsakymus į klausymus.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 17:22, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Jei Enciklopedija Lietuvai ir pasauliui turėtų techninės įrangos bent 5% tiek kiek turi Vikimedija fondas tai tuomet srautas į ELIP išaugtų gal net 100 kartų. Šiuo metu turima techninė įranga atstoja tik apie 0.01% Vikimedijos fondo turimos techninės įrangos, iš kurios apie 5% skiria Lietuviškosios vikipedijos kartu su keliomis smulkesnėmis Vikipedijomis srauto apdorojimui. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 18:47, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Iš tikrųjų, jūs kai ką tikrai puikiai atlikdavot, turbūt ir jūsų nuodugni statistika buvo tarkim lt viki istorijoje suvesta ar naujausių keitimų psl. šablonas gražiai sukurtas ir pan. dalykai, bet esmė ta, kad jūs iš didelio rašto išėjot iš krašto. Aš pats IT srityje išvis, galim sakyt, nesigaudau.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 17:14, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Kad jūs ten vienas sukūrėt 20 mln. str. [7] Aš nematau kas be jūsų dar svariai prisideda, kai jūs ten vienas statotės oro pilį.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 17:34, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Kad ir kaip bebūtų, jei ir sugebėjot persivilioti keletą žmonių, tai turbūt tik vyresnės kartos, nes niekas netikėtų amžinu VU, VDU finansavimu, o ir Google užnugario neturėsit, o Lietuvoje Google nenuginčijamas paieškos karalius.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 17:49, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Šiuo metu Google yra suindeksavęs tiktai apie 5% Enciklopedijos Lietuvai ir pasauliui straipsnių. Kai jau minėjau tą indeksaciją Google atlieka lėčiau nei Vikipedijų, nes ELIP trūksta techninių resursų, kurie užtikrintų ir didesnį Google indeksacijos greitį. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 18:47, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti] straipsniai: "Trečio lygio administracinio vieneto centras yra Italijos pagrindinio teritorinio vieneto Lombardijos srities teritorijoje. Trečio lygio administracinio vieneto centras yra 498,37 km atstumu į šiaurės vakarus nuo šalies sostinės Romos. Trečio lygio administracinio vieneto centras yra 21,81 km atstumu į vakarus nuo Lombardijos srities administracinio centro (Milano). Trečio lygio administracinio vieneto centras yra 184 m. aukštyje virš jūros lygio." "Slėnis yra Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų pagrindinio teritorinio vieneto Kalifornijos valstijos teritorijoje. Slėnis yra 3 650,95 km atstumu į vakarus nuo šalies sostinės Vašingtono. Slėnis yra 769,92 km atstumu į pietryčius nuo Kalifornijos valstijos administracinio centro (Sacramento). Slėnis yra 4 m. aukštyje virš jūros lygio." "Fragmentiška upė yra Kolumbijos pagrindinio teritorinio vieneto Santandero departamento teritorijoje. Fragmentiška upė yra 233,59 km atstumu į šiaurės rytus nuo šalies sostinės Bogotos. Fragmentiška upė yra 77,36 km atstumu į pietus nuo Santandero departamento administracinio centro (Bucaramanga)." Povilaitis straipsnius kepa taip, kad net tingi pasižiūrėti, kad jo botai kreivi. Šiaip ši svetainė net pažvengti netinka - "fragmentiška upė" - VPovilaiti - kas gi tai per kliedesys?--Dirgela (aptarimas) 20:50, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Kad enciklopedija kuriama pažangiai, tai nieks nesiginčija, bet kokia iš to nauda, gal geriau paimkite pieštuką ir popierių į rankas ir pamąstykit, kodėl apskritai buvo sukurtas raštas, kokia jo prasmė?--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 21:06, 14 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Na jei norisi kalbėti apie rašto prasmę tai galite pasiskaityti apie lietuvių kalba užrašytus raštus. -- Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 12:40, 26 rugsėjo 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Klaidinate lankytojus, leidėjai ne VPbot, o Vikipedija. [8]--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 15:16, 1 spalio 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Dabar jau pastebėjau licenzijas, bet Jūs labai gudriai paslėpėte Vikipedijos vardą, kitaip negu išganingąjį VPbot indėlį. [9]--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 15:22, 1 spalio 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Ar jums ne gaila, kad pastarųjų vartotojų (KS, turbūt jūsų klonas?) indėlis nueis šuniui ant uodegos, kadangi statotės oro pilį ant roboto sukurto šiukšlynų pagrindo ( ? – Zymobacillus ?, ?, bakterijų (Bacillaceae) šeimos gentis.). Naujausi keitimai--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 15:50, 1 spalio 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

? Džiauuukitėėėės, ?, ?, kol neprigaaavooo!? VU, VDU. [10]--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 15:49, 1 spalio 2017 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Gerai, matau, kad čia beviltiška stengtis suardyti beviltišką projektą, sukurtą vikipedijos pagrindu. Tegul jis dulka ten, o Google aš jo nė karto ir nepastebėjau, dar vienas nereikšmingas projektas pasmerktas pražūčiai, kuriuo rūpinasi tik VP.--C.C. v C.C. (aptarimas) 18:09, 1 spalio 2017 (EEST) Vikipedijos_aptarimas:Bendruomenė#Dėl_priverstinio_Vikipedijos_draskymo_į_gabalus[atsakyti]

Kaip ir buvo galima tikėtis ELIP niekas nebesilanko, Google pradėjo bausti už brukalą, nors ir lt wiki netrūksta to brukalo, bet matyt tokia jau botų ir nebotų prigimtis. Tačiau ELIP atveju situacija nevaldoma ir toliau brukama be gailesčio pačių iniciatyviausių žmonių, dviejų informatikų, kurie matyt atskrido iš mėnulio ir neturi lietuvių kalbos supratimo.St. Louis St. ... Church Statistika--Vaidila (aptarimas) 09:58, 17 gruodžio 2017 (EET)[atsakyti]

↑ (įsivaizdavimui jei straipsnio sukūrimui būtų skirta pvz. vidutiniškai 25 eurai (~0,25 d.d.), kategorijos sukūrimui 5 eurai (~0,05 d.d.), straipsnio pakoregavimui 5 eurai (~0,05 d.d.), tai gautųsi, kad ELIP sukūrimui būtų reikėję išleisti 18610821*25+1045635*5+23812687*5=217 345 715 eurų

Seniai reikėjo užsiimti reklamos botų verslu, kurti dirbtinį srautą delfiui, apgaudinėti reklamdavius...--Vaidila (aptarimas) 10:05, 17 gruodžio 2017 (EET)[atsakyti]

Dabar belieka sulaukti VU, VDU finansavimo nutraukimo žinių...--Vaidila (aptarimas) 10:14, 17 gruodžio 2017 (EET)[atsakyti]

[11] Kokį Š. Jūs čia atsiprašant skelbiate. Prašau liaukitės ir grįžkite į vikipediją tik nekurkite čia to paties. Tiek daug ? klaustukų ?, bet kokia visa? to prasmė? Matome, kad eksperimentuojate su vikipedijos turiniu! [12]--Vaidila (aptarimas) 00:34, 6 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

  • Vandalizmu laikomas ir esamo teksto papildymas visiškai bereikšme informacija (padrika simbolių ar žodžių seka). Vandalo botas – vandalo parašyta programa (interneto robotas), gadinanti daugelio puslapių turinį. Robotus reikia blokuoti tuojau pat, nedelsiant pranešant administratoriui. Bet kam pranešti kai pats administratorius yra didžiausias vandalas iš visų? Siūlome sustoti ir pamąstyti apie bendrą, įdomią veiklą užuot mėginant gadinti kitų darbą.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 01:11, 6 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Aš įsiterpsiu: nelabai suprantu, kaip jūs galite rašyti ir kokią teisę turite tai daryti, nuspręstumėt, kad administratorius yra vandalas bei "(Siūlome sustoti ir pamąstyti apie bendrą, įdomią veiklą užuot mėginant gadinti kitų darbą.)"? Argi Povilaitis kažką gadina? Visų pirma, tai visiškai nepanašu, čia jo projektas, jo ir administravimo reikalai, taip, kad ši taisyklė ar susitarimai kitam projektui negalioja. Jei žmogus sugebėjo, susikūrė projektą, ir abejoju, ar iš čia kritikuojančių, sugebėtų padaryti tą patį, kaip VP. O ir jo asmeninis reikalas, ar norės VPovilaitis grįžti į vikipediją. Deja, nuo čia esančių žmonių nepagarbos/ar pagarbos priklauso tie dalykai. O ir susįgrąžinti jį gali būti ne taip ir (aptarimas) 02:01, 6 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Kaip žmogų gerbiu ir noriu, kad jis dirbtų prasmingą darbą, o ne kurtų kažkokį šiukšlyną su VU, VDU pagalba. Tegul pašalina Vikipedijos turinį ir tuomet visi pamatys koks ten šiukšlynas kuriamas su 20 mln. str. Naujausi keitimai, atsitiktiniai str. jau paslėpti, nes jau ne kartą buvo išjuoktos jo pastangos. Jeigu jis nesustos vieną dieną vis tiek VU, VDU susigriebs ir tada jam bus tik blogiau. Aišku, nežinau kas gresia už tokį lėšų švaistymą, greičiausiai tik reputacijos susigadinimas.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 12:44, 6 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

(įsivaizdavimui jei straipsnio sukūrimui būtų skirta pvz. vidutiniškai 25 eurai (~0,25 d.d.), kategorijos sukūrimui 5 eurai (~0,05 d.d.), straipsnio pakoregavimui 5 eurai (~0,05 d.d.), tai gautųsi, kad ELIP sukūrimui būtų reikėję išleisti 18610821*25+1045635*5+23812687*5=217 345 715 eurų Atminkite, kad žmogus tai laiko netgi itin kokybišku darbu už kurį jam neva tai turėtų būti sumokėti milijonai, nes jis ten vienas ją ir kuria su savo botu kažkokį brukalą.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 12:51, 6 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Šiaip aš taikus žmogus tik baisiai nemėgstu vikipedijos konkurentų. Galim sakyt, verslo atžvilgiu esu labai nuožmus, čia panašiai kaip su vimeo ir youtube... Nieko asmeniško, tiesiog pikta, kad dėlto mažėja vikipedijos srautai, yra nukreipiami į kažkokį brukalo šiukšlyną. Vis tiek jei ne VU ir VDU, tuomet Google ne tik suindeksuos psl., bet ir pažymės tai kaip šiukšlyno turinį. Visi srautai išseks ir jie jau mažėja.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 12:53, 6 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Manau, keikvieno iš mūsų pareiga pranešti apie susidariusį privatų šiukšlyną, o čia jau visas sąvartynas. Arba žmogus visai suįžulėjo arba išprotėjo su tokiais pareiškimais. ...ELIP sukūrimui būtų reikėję išleisti 345 715 eurų... Teks kreiptis į VU, VDU vadovybę, nes matau šiam sąvartynui galo nepadarysim ir tie serveriai finansuojami visai ne jo lėšomis.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 15:14, 7 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Iš esmės pritariu jūsų mintims. Visgi kaip bebūtų, keistą įspūdį sudaro 20 mln. straipsnių, palyginimui, kad anglišką vikipediją sudaro 5,5 milijono straipsnių. Dabar, kai perskaičiau, pasidarė aiškiau, kas liečia šio projekto finansavimą, aiškėja, kad čia gali būti jo projekto turiniui kurti, išleisti nemaži (aptarimas) 18:28, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Turinio kūrimui negautas joks finansavimas. T.y. už turinio ir straipsnių kūrimą iš niekur negautas nei centas, todėl nebuvo ir ką išleisti. Vpovilaitis Aptarimas Indėlis 19:25, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Asmenybę gal ir linkstama susaistyti su veikla, bet aš manau tau tereikia liautis taip besielgus ir visi užmirš šitą dalyką, jeigu toliau prasmingai, kad ir žymiai mažiau prisidėsite prie vikipedijos. Net neįsivaizduoju kiek gali atsieiti serverių išlaikymas, bet ten buvo kalbama ir apie diskus. Siūlau tikrai pamąstyti ką jūs paliksite ateinančioms kartoms, jeigu išties noris kažkaip prisidėt, tai čia Jūs visada laukiamas.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 20:27, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Net neįsivaizduoju ką jūs bandote tuo įrodyti. Reiškiate nepasitenkinimą vikipedijos dalyvių papeikimu. Būtent dėl to jūs galite augti, o ten vienas išdarinėjate nežinia ką. Tiesiog sunku suvokti sveiku protu kam visa to reikia?--Vaidila (aptarimas) 21:09, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Dar keičiau skamba ir VLE palyginimai. Neprilygstamas įžūlumas. Kaip jūs drįstate peikti kokybišką turinį? Ar nors kartą susimąstėte ką jūs ten kuriate, ar koks iš jūsų 20 mln. str. davė naudos nors vienam žmogui?--Vaidila (aptarimas) 21:19, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

10) yra tęstinis, „gyvas“, nuolat papildomas, tikslinamas ir toliau kaupiamas tautos žinynas pvz.: 2017-03-27 d. ELIP sudarė apie 16 600 000 straipsnių, 2017-05-09 d. ELIP sudarė 17,66 milijono straipsnių, o šiuo metu 2017-06-14 d. jau ELIP sudaro apie 18 600 000 straipsnių. VLE tuo tarpu tik bando publikuoti tą apimtį, kuri buvo sukurta ir išleista iki 2014 m. XXV jos tomuose. VLE šiuo metu sudaro 121 804 straipsniai t.y. pagal straipsnių kiekį VLE sudaro tik 0,65 % ELIP apimties. [13]

Ir taip aišku, kad ELIP – Vpovilaičio enciklopedija, ir išvis kam kopijuoti kitų straipsnius, vietoje to, kaip dedasi, protingi, sukurtų kažką savo, o ne informaciją, kurios skaityti neįmanoma. Visgi juokinga: Vitas Povilaitis ir jo botai – 99 %, kiti, pabėgę nuo tokių nesamonių – 1%. Į jus kažkas pažiūrės tada, kai straipsniai bus geresni nei Viki. --Superduperwikis (aptarimas) 21:22, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Ačiū, jums už tai, kad sužinojau, jog VLE yra internete. Nors vieną prasmingą dalyką sužinojau iš visos šitos beprasmybės.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 21:35, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Šiaip jau naudotojų aptarimai ne vieta įvairiems filosofavimams apie asmenybės augimus ir kitokiems pamąstymams, tad siūlyčiau liautis. Na, o Vikipedijos turinys tame projekte naudojamas nepažeidžiant licencijavimo, o ką ten botai generuoja ne mūsų problema. Verčiau rašykite tiems, kurie skyrė serverius. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 21:37, 8 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Meta:Babylon/Translators newsletter

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Meta:Babylon/Translators newsletter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

This page explains a new service: to keep translators posted about messages that need a particular effort, we have created a new newsletter. that newsletter is distributed on wiki as a notification and does not requires an email to subscribe. This message is both to kindly suggest you to translate the page explaining that new process, and also to invote you to subscribe to that newsletter. :)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 20:14, 21 lapkričio 2017 (EET)

Demografiniai šablonai

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Sveiki. Kadangi gerai mokate rašyti botų išeities kodus, gal galite pagelbėti? Reikalingas skriptas, kuriuo botas perkeltų duomenis iš Ekselio rinkmenos į tokio tipo demografinę lentelę. Tikslesnį algoritmą pateikčiau paskiau. Esu surinkęs jau apie trečdalio Lietuvos rajonų gyvenviečių duomenis. Galėtumėt paskui persikelti ir į ELIP. Kiek kreipiausi, niekas neužsiima. Jums būtų vis prasmingesnė veikla, nei tų milijonų tuščių straipsnių kūrimas. Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 15:15, 31 liepos 2019 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Jei dėlioti į puslapius ruošiamasi rankomis, tai viską galima išspręsti pačiu Excel'iu:
  1. Pažymėti informatyvią dalį (pavyzdyje – A1:I51).
  2. Spausti Ctrl+C.
  3. Sukurti naują lapą (tarkim, „Sheet2“).
  4. Pasirinkti „Paste Special“.
  5. Ten pažymėti „Transpose“, spausti „OK“ (tarkim bus įdėta, šiuo atveju, į A1:AY9).
  6. Sukurti naują lapą (tarkim, „Sheet3“).
  7. Galbūt pasižymėti antraštes (formule „=Sheet2!A1“ ir t.t.).
  8. Rašyti formulę „=CONCATENATE("|";Sheet2!$A2;"|";Sheet2!B2)“.
  9. „Pratraukti“ į šonus, kiek reikia.
  10. Kopijuoti reikiamą stulpelį į šablono „vidų“ (eilutės kaip „|1902|143“).
Antrą kartą užteks nukopijuoti transponuotą lentelę į atitinkamą puslapį, iš naujo formulių vesti nereikės.
Kaip sakoma, „Iš tikrųjų užsakovui visada reikia Excel'io.“. :) --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 22:26, 31 liepos 2019 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Neblogai :) Bet visgi čia darbas būtų botui, nes straipsnių - tūkstančiai. Be to, šablono parametrus (stulpelių skaičius, gradacija) kiekvienu atveju reikia nustatinėti vis kitokius. Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 22:57, 31 liepos 2019 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Jei ką, gal būtų galima įdarbinti naudotoją Aloyzasrap? Mačiau, jau lyg ir ėmėsi pildyti gyvenviečių straipsnius lentelėmis (žr. [14])... Prieš porą metų buvo taip jau perėjęs keliolika tūkstančių straipsnių. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 23:37, 31 liepos 2019 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:52, 18 birželio 2020 (EEST)

Translation notification: VisualEditor/Newsletter/2020/July

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page VisualEditor/Newsletter/2020/July is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is the end of this week.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:26, 6 liepos 2020 (EEST)

Translation notification: Tech/News/2020/32

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Tech/News/2020/32 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:26, 31 liepos 2020 (EEST)

Translation notification: Tech/Server switch 2020

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Tech/Server switch 2020 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:03, 15 rugpjūčio 2020 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia CH

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia CH is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:43, 17 gruodžio 2020 (EET)

Translation notification: Project wiki representatives

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Project wiki representatives is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-02-14.

The five year old strategy process has resulted in recommendations. After Global Conversations the number one priority is to establish an Interim Global Council, who will draft a Movement Charter, which will lead to the formation of a Global Council. Please help in translating the concise page "Project wiki representatives" which asks contributor to select for each project wiki a representative, who will help in implementing the first strategic priority.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:09, 6 vasario 2021 (EET)

Translation notification: VisualEditor/Newsletter/2021/June

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page VisualEditor/Newsletter/2021/June is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2021-06-20.

This short newsletter is good news about posting comments on wiki. You can try out the "Discussion tools" in the Beta Features here at Meta-Wiki, too: Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures. Thank you!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:16, 16 birželio 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Template:InternetArchiveBot header

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Template:InternetArchiveBot header is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The InternetArchiveBot team has come up with a new header for its documentation and user pages designed to make important links as easy to find as possible. We use this header on the bot's global user page, and we have it set up to show the labels in your interface language, meaning that the labels will appear in Russian on Russian Wikipedia (unless you override the interface language).

In order for this feature to work, we need translations of those labels. There are only six labels:

  • About the Bot
  • Report Problem
  • Contact Us
  • Documentation
  • Configure
  • Disable Bot

If you know how to say those things in another language, you can help! And your work will make it easier for non-English speakers to use InternetArchiveBot.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:20, 29 birželio 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: InternetArchiveBot/Problem

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page InternetArchiveBot/Problem is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Thank you to everyone who translated "Template:InternetArchiveBot header". The template is now available in 64 languages (including variants)! Now when people visit the bot's user page on those language wikis, they will be greeted with navigation options in their language. (We have since added one more link to the header – "Translate" – translations are appreciated!) This page I am requesting translations for is the "report problem" page for InternetArchiveBot, directing the user to different places depending on the kind of problem they are having. There are a total of 17 terms to translate, consisting of short phrases and sentences. This page is directly linked from the header on InternetArchiveBot's global user page, so your work will likely be seen.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:14, 13 liepos 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Voting

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Voting is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:21, 2 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Hack4OpenGLAM

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Hack4OpenGLAM is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-09-20.

Welcome to translate the messages of the Hack4OpenGLAM hackathon, taking place at the Creative Commons Summit 20–24 September! Your work is appreciated!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:25, 10 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)

Nuomonės prašymas

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prašyčiau, gal gali išsakyti nuomonę Naudotojas:CD/MG#Almanachas? – būčiau dėkingas. CD (aptarimas) 09:53, 24 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021 Election Results/Short

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021 Election Results/Short is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2021-09-07.

This short text (125 words) is meant to announce the results of the board elections on September, 7 to as much communities and volunteers as possible on such short notice in their native tongue. Please help us to make that happen!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:04, 6 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Lingua Libre

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Lingua Libre is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2021-11-30.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:33, 18 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Election translation

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Election translation is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-10-08.

2 sentences, 21 words! Movement Charter Drafting Committee Elections are coming. Translating the voting tool SecurePoll in as many native tongues is crucial for this. But: there are two sentences we need to be translated for this. Please support the effort to make this a global experience. Thank you for helping out!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:04, 6 spalio 2021 (EEST)

Hello Vpovilaitis. I am lt-0. Your project's filter #5 is hitting the limit throttle. Changing it to check less things should help this. I recommend removing the check for the page Vikipedija:Nepasiekiamas straipsnis/stat first, as this page is no longer updated. Thank you, Xaosflux (aptarimas) 21:31, 19 spalio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Translation notification: Grants:MSIG/Announcements/2021/Global message

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Grants:MSIG/Announcements/2021/Global message is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-10-26.

Hi everbody! The Movement Strategy and Governance team is announcing a Movement Strategy Implementation Grants program to the communities.

We want to reach out to as many communities as possible, calling out volunteers globally. Please support us and help translating the announcement in all the languages you speak, it is only 50 words. We will send it out as a mass message later.

Beyond this: if you would like to, please check out the program and spread the word. We would appreciate your help in sharing this news in social media channels of your community.

We are grateful for all your support, you are awesome!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:24, 21 spalio 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Elections/Results/Announcement

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Elections/Results/Announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-10-31.

The announcement of the members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee is coming close. We would like to announce the results in as many languages as possible and kindly ask for your support. It is less than 100 words, we would appreciate your help a lot and it is just a few minutes.

Thank you for your continuous support!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:31, 29 spalio 2021 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Board of Trustees elections

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Board of Trustees elections is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2022-01-10.

This year four seats of the WMF Board of Trustees are to be newly filled and there will be a Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees selection processes from 10 January to 7 February 2022.

The Movement Strategy and Governance team is supporting this Call for Feedback. For widest outreach across the Wikiverse we kindly ask you to support this by helping us out with additional translations.

Postscriptum: During the last year many of you have helped us a lot to reach out to many different communities by translating in dozens of languages. We are utterly grateful for this - thanks to all of you for your ongoing support! You are the best!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:24, 7 sausio 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: Template:Education/News/Contents

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Template:Education/News/Contents is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:47, 22 sausio 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: Leadership Development Task Force/Call for Feedback Announcement

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Leadership Development Task Force/Call for Feedback Announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2022-02-07.

Good day to you from Movement Strategy and Governance! The coming weeks see a Call for Feedback concerning the creation of a movementwide Leadership_Development_Task_Force. We are announcing it by a short message of only 60 words to be distributed globally on Tuesday. Global distribution asks for native language support, so we kindly ask for your help to have as many translations as possible available. It should be a few minutes of work only. Thank you very much for your help, MediaWiki message delivery (aptarimas) 12:13, 4 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:13, 4 vasario 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: ContribuLing 2022

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page ContribuLing 2022 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:04, 12 vasario 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:18, 22 vasario 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:50, 2 kovo 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: ContribuLing 2022/Program

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page ContribuLing 2022/Program is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2022-03-31.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:49, 26 kovo 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: GLAM School/Questions

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page GLAM School/Questions is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2022-12-31.

GLAM School is a project by AvoinGLAM to chart out, uncover, and support practices that help GLAM professionals, GLAM-Wiki volunteers, Open GLAM advocates and others to be more empowered to contribute to Wikimedia and other open projects. In 2022 we are conducting surveys, chats, and interviews across organizations and networks involved in providing Open Access to cultural heritage. This page lists the questions that are used in the survey and the interviews.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 11:52, 26 balandžio 2022 (EEST)

Translation notification: GLAM School

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page GLAM School is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2022-12-31.

The GLAM School main page is ready for translation. I hope the syntax still remained correct after I changed the page a lot. Thank you for your amazing help!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:19, 4 gegužės 2022 (EEST)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Announcement/Board voter email

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Announcement/Board voter email is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Hi all!

The community vote of this year's Board Elections are close. As always voter mails will be sent out. To invite as many community members as possible in their native tongue your help is very much appreciated. While there are already plenty of translations we would appreciate you to check for languages still missing and to contribute translations for these.

The mails are short, just a bit about two times 200 words, a few minutes of work.

Your support is very important as it helps communities to learn about the election and to cast their vote.

Best, Denis Barthel (WMF)

(Movement Strategy and Governance)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:51, 9 rugpjūčio 2022 (EEST)

Translation notification: Global rights

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Global rights is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Global rights is a useful page that has information about global user rights. Kindly help to translate them into your language.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:51, 12 rugsėjo 2022 (EEST)

Translation notification: Universal Code of Conduct/Revised enforcement guidelines/Announcement/Consultation Close

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Universal Code of Conduct/Revised enforcement guidelines/Announcement/Consultation Close is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 05:17, 13 spalio 2022 (EEST)

Translation notification: Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių on Meta. The page Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Kindly help to translate into your language for Wikimedia 2030.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:55, 28 lapkričio 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių on Meta. The page Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Kindly help to translate into your language for Wikimedia 2030.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:07, 28 lapkričio 2022 (EET)

Translation notification: Tests

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Tests is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is low.

= This is a test message, please ignore = = ଏହା ଏକ ପରୀକ୍ଷା ସନ୍ଦେଶ, ଦୟାକରି ଅଣଦେଖା କରନ୍ତୁ =

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:39, 13 sausio 2023 (EET)

Translation notification: ContribuLing 2023

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page ContribuLing 2023 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2023-02-28.

ContribuLing is a Wikimedia event focusing on collaborative tools and minority languages.

Please consider translating the page and - why not - proposing a presentation or a workshop!

Thank you very much, on behalf of the organizing committee

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:18, 2 vasario 2023 (EET)

Translation notification: VisualEditor/Newsletter/2023/February

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page VisualEditor/Newsletter/2023/February is available for translation. You can translate it here:

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:54, 18 vasario 2023 (EET)

Translation notification: $1

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page $1 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Hello translators. Please help us with this group page.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:42, 22 kovo 2023 (EET)

Translation notification: Wikimédiens du Burkina Faso

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page Wikimédiens du Burkina Faso is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please help us translating this page

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:44, 22 kovo 2023 (EET)

Translation notification: Access to temporary account IP addresses FAQ

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Access to temporary account IP addresses FAQ is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:34, 31 kovo 2023 (EEST)

Translation notification: Movement Charter

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to rusų on Meta. The page Movement Charter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:58, 18 gegužės 2023 (EEST)

Translation notification: WWC2023/Scholarship

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Hello Vpovilaitis,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to lietuvių ir rusų on Meta. The page WWC2023/Scholarship is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2023-10-22.

this page is available for translating, you can start working on it

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:41, 27 birželio 2023 (EEST)