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Siūlyčiau pervardinti į vienaskaitą, kadangi vns. forma žymiai dažniau vartojama. Atlantas 01:02, 9 Gruodžio 2005 (EET)

Yra čia ir abejotinos informacijos sprendžiant pagal britaniką, marichuana, alkoholis tik padeda nenuslopinti geismo. Kit alkaloidai čia netgi pavojingi žmogui, nors ir turi dirginamąjį poveikį, o ten gale išties turi stimuliacinį poveikį irgi abejotina.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 17:31, 20 liepos 2022 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Dabar gal ne iki galo rišliai perašiau, bet bent jau informacija neklaidina ir neperteikta paskalų lygiu.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 20:02, 20 liepos 2022 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Beyond food, alcohol and drugs have often been considered aphrodisiacs as well. Some of these substances can affect sexual arousal physiologically and psychologically; however, understanding the sexual effects of drugs is complicated because different drugs have different effects, and the amount of the drug consumed matters greatly. We will begin with alcohol, which is indeed an aphrodisiac, but only when it is consumed in small quantities...We do not fully understand why any of these drugs have the sexual effects they do, but at least part of the reason is likely attributable to neurochemical changes (indeed, many of these drugs have been linked to increased dopamine release) and, just as with alcohol, expectancy effects probably play a role.... Alcohol not only reduces our inhibitions, but it can also create expectancy effects, whereby we come to believe that consuming alcohol will put us “in the mood” or make us feel more sexual. If you have ever taken a course in social psychology, you can think of expectancy effects as a selffulfilling prophecy (i.e., if we believe that some outcome is likely, we will work consciously and unconsciously to make it a reality).[The psychology of human sexuality]

Atsisiunčiau tą enciklopediją, bet tas pateikimas ne itin įtikinamas, nebent psichologinis momentas suveikia, kad vyno taurė atpalaiduoja ir sudaro prielaidas aistringam seksui, nes taip jau įprasta manyti. Verčiau patikėti Britanika ar Elsevier (tiksliau to nemini įvade) str., kurie abejoja narkotikų ar alkoholio poveikiu organizmui. Vienu žodžiu įsitikinimai veikia ne daugiau nei save išpildanti pranašystė arba kitaip placebas.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 20:47, 20 liepos 2022 (EEST)[atsakyti]