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  • In one opinion, the origin of the word "yakuza" is "8-9-3 (ya-ku-sa)". In this case, "yakuza" is sound mutation form of "yakusa". In Japanese, the word "yakusa" is never used. It is always "yakuza". In the other opinion, "yakuza" is derived from "yaku + za". In this case, the form of "yakusa" is never happened. 12:09, 31 Geg 2005 (EEST)
Mėgstu, kai nuomonę lydi bent viena nuoroda :) Nomad 12:32, 31 Geg 2005 (EEST) In a case the guy is really english speaking one: I would like to see links following the opinion :)
  • Hello Nomad. I am a Japanese. The second opinion is written in the article of the Japanese WIKIPEDIA. Perhaps you cannnot read Japanese.(And I cannot read Lithuanian. But for some reason, I have interesting in this language.) "Yakuza" is a concept and word of Japanese culture/society. 15:05, 31 Geg 2005 (EEST)
Hi Japanese. I think wikipedia cannot be a source in a case like this (well, in lithuanian wikipedia is an article about yakuza too ;) ). Is there any article about word 'yakuza' etymology or history of yakuza? To this date I was used to read only ya-ku-sa version. i.e. crimelibrary.org
  • Sorry. There are almost no etymological/historical (systematic) studies about "yakuza" in Japan. It is usually said that the word "yakuza" has been derived from 8 - 9 - 3. This opinion (or theory) was written in the book of essays, "Kiyuushouran" (Kiyushoran), 1830, by Kitamura Nobuyo in the late Edo period. The word "yakuza" might be established in the Edo period (middle or late). In one opinion, "kabuki-mono" is said to be related with the origin of yakuza. But in another opinion, there is no direct relation between kabuki-mono and modern yakuza people. According to Japanese famous forklorist Orikuchi Shinobu, the origin of yakuza is the outlaw people in the late Heian period (around 12th century). Or according to the other opinion, free/out-of-law people in the Muromachi period (around 15th century) might have relation. Although modern/contemporary yakuza and yakuza groups such as Yamaguchi-gumi etc. are well known internationally, however the origin of yakuza is ambiguouse and almost unknown. One reason is lack of detailed studies about history of yakuza in Japan. (The problems are very complicated and ambiguouse. For example, there might be large influences of the cultures and traditions of Chinese outlaw societies which had been established in 5th, 6th, 7th century BCE or former.) 18:22, 1 Bir 2005 (EEST)
Thanks a lot I'll update article asap. By the way in this lithuanian version kabuki-mono teory is presented as one of theories which has no more evidence than other ones. Nomad 21:41, 1 Bir 2005 (EEST)

Apibrėžimas[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Apibrėžimas nelabai geras, "susikaldžiusi į besivaržančias gaujas" - jakudza niekada ir nebuvo vieninga, tai tiesiog bendras kriminalinių organizacijų pavadinimas, naudojamas vakaruose. Taip pat, "besivaržančios gaujos" sudaro maždaug gatvės chuliganų įspūdį, kuris yra labai toli nuo tiesos. --Nomad 15:47, 2007 Kovo 31 (EEST)