Šablonas:Infolentelė politinė partija
Infolentelė politinė partija |
[redaguoti vikitekstą]Bazinis
[redaguoti vikitekstą]{{{name}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|frameless|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=0.8|{{{logo_alt}}}]] | |
Lyderis | {{{leader}}} |
Prezidentas | {{{president}}} |
Pirmininkas | {{{chairperson}}} |
Secretary | {{{secretary}}} |
Generalinis sekretorius | {{{general_secretary}}} |
First Secretary | {{{first_secretary}}} |
Generalsekretorius | {{{secretary_general}}} |
Presidium | {{{presidium}}} |
Valdymo organas | {{{governing_body}}} |
Nuolatinis komitetas | {{{standing_committee}}} |
Atstovas spaudai | {{{spokesperson}}} |
Įkūrėjas | {{{founder}}} |
Įkurta | {{{founded}}} |
Būstinė | {{{headquarters}}} |
Politinė ideologija | {{{ideology}}} |
Tarptautinė narystė | {{{international}}} |
Svetainė | |
{{{website}}} |
{{Infobox political party
| name =
| logo =
| logo_alt =
| colorcode =
| leader =
| president =
| chairperson =
| secretary =
| general_secretary =
| first_secretary =
| secretary_general =
| presidium =
| governing_body =
| standing_committee =
| spokesperson =
| founder =
| founded = <!-- {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| headquarters =
| ideology =
| international =
| website =
| country =
[redaguoti vikitekstą]{{{name}}} {{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright={{{logo_upright}}}|{{{logo_alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
Pavadinimas {{{lang1}}} | {{{name_lang1}}} |
Pavadinimas {{{lang2}}} | {{{name_lang2}}} |
Pavadinimas {{{lang3}}} | {{{name_lang3}}} |
Pavadinimas {{{lang4}}} | {{{name_lang4}}} |
Trumpinys | {{{abbreviation}}} or {{{abbr}}} |
Lyderis | {{{leader}}} |
Prezidentas | {{{president}}} |
Pirmininkas | {{{chairperson}}} or {{{chairman}}} |
Secretary | {{{secretary}}} |
Generalinis sekretorius | {{{general_secretary}}} |
First Secretary | {{{first_secretary}}} |
Generalsekretorius | {{{secretary_general}}} |
Presidium | {{{presidium}}} |
Valdymo organas | {{{governing_body}}} |
Nuolatinis komitetas | {{{standing_committee}}} |
Atstovas spaudai | {{{spokesperson}}} or {{{spokesman}}} |
{{{leader1_title}}} | {{{leader1_name}}} |
{{{leader2_title}}} | {{{leader2_name}}} |
{{{leader3_title}}} | {{{leader3_name}}} |
{{{leader4_title}}} | {{{leader4_name}}} |
{{{leader5_title}}} | {{{leader5_name}}} |
Įkūrėjas | {{{founder}}} or {{{founders}}} |
Įkurta | {{{founded}}} or {{{foundation}}} |
Registered | {{{registered}}} |
Įteisinta | {{{legalised}}} or {{{legalized}}} |
Panaikinta | {{{dissolved}}} or {{{banned}}} or {{{dissolution}}} |
Sudaryta iš | {{{merger}}} |
Atsiskyrė nuo | {{{split}}} |
Pirmtakė | {{{predecessor}}} |
Susijungė su | {{{merged}}} |
Įpėdinė | {{{successor}}} |
Būstinė | {{{headquarters}}} |
Laikraštis | {{{newspaper}}} |
Idėjų kalvė | {{{think_tank}}} |
Studentų organizacija | {{{student_wing}}} |
Jaunimo organizacija | {{{youth_wing}}} |
Moterų organizacija | {{{womens_wing}}} |
{{{wing1_title}}} | {{{wing1}}} |
{{{wing2_title}}} | {{{wing2}}} |
{{{wing3_title}}} | {{{wing3}}} |
{{{wing4_title}}} | {{{wing4}}} |
Narių skaičius ([year]) | {{{membership}}} |
Politinė ideologija | {{{ideology}}} |
Politinė pozicija | {{{position}}} |
Religija | {{{religion}}} |
Nacionalinė narystė | {{{national}}} |
Regioninė narystė | {{{regional}}} |
Europos narystė | {{{european}}} |
Europos Parlamento grupė | {{{europarl}}} |
Žemyninė narystė | {{{continental}}} |
Tarptautinė narystė | {{{international}}} |
{{{affiliation1_title}}} | {{{affiliation1}}} |
{{{affiliation2_title}}} | {{{affiliation2}}} |
Šūkis | {{{slogan}}} |
Himnas | {{{anthem}}} |
{{{blank1_title}}} | {{{blank1}}} |
{{{blank2_title}}} | {{{blank2}}} |
{{{blank3_title}}} | {{{blank3}}} |
{{{blank4_title}}} | {{{blank4}}} |
{{{seats1_title}}} | {{{seats1}}} |
{{{seats2_title}}} | {{{seats2}}} |
{{{seats3_title}}} | {{{seats3}}} |
{{{seats4_title}}} | {{{seats4}}} |
Rinkimų simbolis | |
{{{symbol}}} | |
{{{flag_title}}} | |
[[File:{{{flag}}}|frameless|alt={{{flag_alt}}}|upright=0.8|{{{flag_alt}}}]] | |
Svetainė | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{footnotes}}} |
{{Infobox political party
| name =
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| lang1 =
| name_lang1 =
| lang2 =
| name_lang2 =
| lang3 =
| name_lang3 =
| lang4 =
| name_lang4 =
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_upright =
| logo_alt =
| caption =
| colorcode = <!-- HTML color code (e.g. "red", "#FF0000" or Party metadata color template) otherwise "transparent" -->
| abbreviation = <!-- official abbreviation or | abbr = -->
| leader =
| president =
| chairperson = <!-- arba | chairman = -->
| secretary =
| general_secretary =
| first_secretary =
| secretary_general =
| presidium =
| governing_body =
| standing_committee =
| spokesperson = <!-- arba | spokesman = -->
| leader1_title =
| leader1_name =
| leader2_title =
| leader2_name =
| leader3_title =
| leader3_name =
| leader4_title =
| leader4_name =
| leader5_title =
| leader5_name =
| leader6_title =
| leader6_name =
| founder = <!-- arba | founders = -->
| founded = <!-- arba | foundation = naudoti {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| registered =
| legalised = <!-- arba | legalized = -->
| dissolved = <!-- arba | banned = or | dissolution = naudoti {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| merger =
| split =
| predecessor =
| merged =
| successor =
| headquarters =
| newspaper =
| think_tank =
| student_wing =
| youth_wing =
| womens_wing =
| wing1_title =
| wing1 =
| wing2_title =
| wing2 =
| wing3_title =
| wing3 =
| wing4_title =
| wing4 =
| membership_year =
| membership =
| ideology =
| position =
| religion =
| national =
| regional = <!-- arba | regional affiliation = -->
| european =
| continental = <!-- arba | continental affiliation = -->
| international =
| europarl =
| affiliation1_title =
| affiliation1 =
| affiliation2_title =
| affiliation2 =
| colors =
| slogan =
| anthem =
| blank1_title =
| blank1 =
| blank2_title =
| blank2 =
| blank3_title =
| blank3 =
| blank4_title =
| blank4 =
| seats1_title =
| seats1 = <!-- {{Infobox political party/seats|50|100|hex=#ff0000}} -->
| seats2_title =
| seats2 =
| seats3_title =
| seats3 =
| seats4_title = <!-- up to | seats11_title = -->
| seats4 = <!-- up to | seats11 = -->
| symbol =
| flag =
| flag_title =
| flag_alt =
| website =
| state = <!-- arba | country = -->
| country = <!-- arba | state = -->
| country_dab1 =
| parties_dab1 =
| elections_dab1 =
| country2 =
| country_dab2 =
| parties_dab2 =
| elections_dab2 =
| footnotes =
[redaguoti vikitekstą] Viršuje esanti dokumentacija yra iškelta iš Šablonas:Infolentelė politinė partija/doc puslapio. (redaguoti | istorija) Redaguotojai gali eksperimentuoti šio šablono smėlio dėžėje sandbox (edit | diff) ir testcases (edit) puslapiuose. Prašome pridėti kategorijas /doc subpuslapyje. Šio šablono subpuslapiai. |